Thursday, January 12, 2012

My 10 on Top

I was just hanging out in the blogosphere when I happened upon a blog "Just 10 More Things."  I lovelovelove (did I say love?) the concept: "My life in lists of ten."  As I read through the writer's posts I found one that was simply about "10 Reasons I'm Happy to be Alive Today" and decided to create a top 10 list of my own!

1.) Sleeping in - Seriously, I can say goodbye to that in 2 weeks when my semester starts!

2.) Spending time with my mom - We sat back + snacked + watched Food Network and Sci-Fi (Ghost Hunters is her fave show and it premiered tonight) = quality mommy-daughter time. :)

3.) My Blog! - Seriously, just knowing I'm putting my thoughts out there and people are interested (or at least pretend to be) puts a smile on my face. :)

4.) My boyfriend - His text around 3AM this morning that he loved me and can't wait to see me soon let me know he was thinking of me... and I can't wait to see him soon, either!

5.) I paid off a bill - So, a couple months ago I had to sign up for a subscription to Bloomberg Businessweek for school and today I finally got around to paying my invoice (serious weight off my shoulders).

6.) I ate Fruit Loops - This just made me happy because (a) they're delicious, (b) I haven't had Fruit Loops in so long, and (c) they bring out the child inside of me. ;)

7.) Drying my hair didn't take forever - I bought the Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Blow Dry Perfector last night so today I used it, and, to my delight (and some surprise), it worked!  Normally it would take me around an hour to blow dry and straighten my hair.  Today, it took me just around 35 minutes!  (I also used the Flat Iron Perfector Straightening Mist during straightening.)

8.) I drank water - Remember how yesterday I said one of my ambitions for 2012 was to drink more water?  Well, guess what?  I only drank water all day today, and it was delicious!

9.) Joaquin Phoenix is making movies again - On-line, I stumbled upon an article about how Joaquin Phoenix (one of mine & my grandma's favorite actors) is acting in two new movies set to release this year and next year.  How I didn't hear about this sooner is beyond me, but seriously I'm happy to hear this news after (a) he said he was retiring from acting (and after about 4 years I was starting to think he was serious), and (b) watching his mockumentary I'm Still Here - seriously?  Have you seen it? I'm still waiting for an honest explanation about that one...
10.) I can walk - Today, I read an article about a girl, only about 3 years older than me, who is now a paraplegic after getting surgery on a tumor her doctor discovered in her brain.  Reading an article like that puts into perspective how I may not have 10 things I love everyday (seriously, some days can just suck) but I always have things to be thankful for... things I normally take for granted, like my ability to walk, to talk, to see, to breathe...

So, I challenge you: What's your Top 10 today???

~Hugs & Besos~


  1. I rememeber when Joaquin Phoenix use to be all that wierd on late night shows saying he wont be doing any more movies. I didnt know about his 2 upcoming movies so thats a great news :)

  2. Water is definitely great! And Froot Loops are seriously the best.
